Nebula 一家位于美国纽约(时代广场)的精品夜店,充满无限可能性的潮流新地标,诠释最纯粹的精品夜生活体验。
Nebula, a boutique nightclub located in New York (Times Square) in the United States, is a new landmark full of infinite possibilities and interprets the purest boutique nightlife experience.
135 W 41st St, New York, NY 10036 U.S.A

Model concept drawing and effect display.
Schematic diagram of plane display.
Butterfly shaped central card seat makes the sense of region and wrapping more comfortable. It has its own dance floor area. The way of activity card seat makes the venue more flexible and presents different party ways.
The design takes the nebula as the element and uses the point light form in the public area to put you in the starry sky.

【 星空走廊】 【 空间模型 】