1701 Music Bar是Endless Space建筑事务所继欧拉艺术空间、自由落体工作室及乐队排练厅、欧拉乐器行之后在南京进行的一个新的尝试。
1701 is a new try by Endless Space Architects in Nanjing after designing OLA Livehouse, ZYLT studio and band rehearsal room, and OLA Music Store.
Before the completion of 1701, there were already many bars in Nanjing with house bands. Still, no music bar can have a sense of design in terms of space and combine excellent acoustics, excellent house bands, and professional services. And these, in our eyes, are minimum requirements for a good music bar. So 1701 needs to fill this gap.
All the space languages designed by ESA must base on minimalism. We have been to a lot of very well-run bars that people like very much. Many of them are full of various decorations. But when we design a bar ourselves, we use the language of space, structure, and structure rather than any decorations from our design position. We construct space through the systematic structure configuration and beauty of detail. And leave the room for the user to decorate it.
观演区|Audience Area
吧台区|Bar Area
酒墙|Wine Wall
贵宾室|VIP Room
主入口|Main Entrance
舞台区|Stage Area
Pros and cons of the site
The original condition of the site is very unsatisfactory, with flat floors, low floor heights, and messy pipelines occupy a lot of space. It is challenging to organize space. Moreover, there are densely packed eight massive columns in a small area, making it hard to arrange stage and console. The only favorable factor is the excellent view, with large windows and terraces facing Xuanwu Lake and Purple Mountain.
After seeing the site for the first time, we oppose renting this commercial space immediately. We ask Li to hold on until we tried on the 3D model and felt that there was still some hope, then we told Li and his team, let's do it.
Dissolving the space pressure caused by these eight large pillars became the top prioritty of the next design.
原状和现状|Before and After
原始平面|Original Plan 红线为设计范围 redline indicades design area
The primary function of 1701: at night, it is a music bar with house bands, and during the day, it is a cafe that provides coffee and meals.
There is a big contrast between the key function of these two periods. The bar needs a darker environment, while the coffee shop should not be too dark. In the preliminary business analysis and positioning, the feedback is that most bar owners want to use the space to make coffee snacks during the day, but it is hard to do, and most of them have to give up. The most important reason is that the tonality of the two spaces is very contradictory, and the services are very different. Therefore, we must harmonize interface tonality to meet the basic needs of the two main functions and maximize space for full-time operation.
The wall above the window and the horizontal bookshelf armrest define a long scroll of Purple Mountain. Raise the floor on the side of the curtain wall so that people can better enjoy Xuanwu Lake's scenery when sitting on the sofa in the raised area.
抬高区|Elevated Area
Systematic Impression
For space where the geometric integrity of the original site plan is weak, using a neat and continuous ceiling to rule is an efficient way to simplify and strengthen the impression of space. In addition, we adopted a continuous small arc ceiling to differentiate the design from our previous work-the folding top of the OLA Music Store.
Color and Texture
This space makes people feel slightly wrapped in color. We choose the mud yellow to make the hall relatively easy to darken at night but not too dark during the day. The color makes people feel comfortable in both periods. To have a more overall sense, we also paint the top surface muddy yellow. The ground and other parts are dominated by dark gray and black, increasing the contrast and highlighting the subject. The texture of the wall is close to people. People can feel the delicate of the material. The ground chooses environmentally friendly materials with dark color, natural texture, high hardness, and edible grade.
There are bass traps installed in critical areas such as the stage and sidewalls. Large area small arc-surface perforated ceiling complete the sound absorption and reflection. The niche is also conducive to the sound absorption and diffuse reflection of the wall. A good sound field combined with the top-level acoustic system ensures sound effects.
We require the field lights to be hidden in the light slots between the curved ceilings as much as possible. The light strips are auxiliary light during the day that cannot be too bright and overexposed. And we conceal the lighting trusses except for the heads of the stage illumination lamp and front lights.